Columns, Pagination, and Sorting on Users Dashboard
On the Users Dashboard, the user’s information is separated into columns.
Avatar: User’s Profile picture.
Name: User’s full name.
Role: Indicates what kind of permissions this user has.
Group: The group this user is assigned to.
Signup Date: Date when the user was created.
Last Login: Most recent date when the user logged in the platform.
# of posts: Number of posts created by this user.
Followed Sections: Sections followed by the user
Edit: edit user properties
Delete: Delete user
At the bottom of the table, you will find the Rows per page option. By default, it will be set at 50, but you can add other amounts by clicking the dropdown near the number.
You can set it to other amounts, such as 10, 25, 50, or 100 posts on the same page.
Next to the Rows Per Page, you can see the buttons to navigate to the next page or previous page.
Sorting Users
Some columns in the Users Dashboard can be used as a reference to sort your posts. Those columns are Name and Signup Date.
Name Column: This column can sort users by their name. It can be from A to Z or vice-versa.
Signup date: This column can sort users based on the date they have created their user on the platform. It can be from the oldest to the newest or vice-versa.