RebelMouse vs. WordPress and Drupal

RebelMouse vs. WordPress and Drupal

RebelMouse is a cutting-edge CMS and creative agency that teaches media companies and brands how to build content and site experiences for today's dynamic landscape. How does RebelMouse compare to standard CMS solutions like WordPress and Drupal?

WordPress and Drupal are the most well-known and widely used traditional CMSs. Their open-source technology make them popular among a large ecosystem of developers looking to build customized web experiences. But their decentralized model means that each site has to be upgraded and iterated on independently to have the new features, new security, and new performance needed to keep up with the industry. And, as Drupal users are currently experiencing, being regularly forced to upgrade adds anxiety and uncertainty. This model is much better suited to small bloggers with simpler needs. Which means if your site is your business, running on WordPress or Drupal requires an enormous amount of time and investment for temporary tech resources to cobble together a site using plugins you can't trust and solutions you can't maintain. The end result still doesn't give your content a fighting chance to win SEO, maximize social reach, and see meaningful and sustainable traffic growth.

RebelMouse Is Transforming the Industry

Just as Gmail replaced Microsoft Exchange servers as the modern, go-to email service, RebelMouse is similarly disrupting traditional CMS solutions with a centralized, cloud-based model. The platform was born during the age of social in 2012, and since then our developers, strategists, and traffic experts from across the globe have made it a priority to anticipate industry changes, navigate algorithm updates, and learn new best practices to help our clients seamlessly enjoy competitive advantages.

We constantly monitor industry giants like Google and Facebook so our clients are always set up for success across search and social. With site builds, we optimize for high page speed across mobile and desktop since we know Google heavily penalizes site experiences with poor page speed, as does Facebook, and potential visitors are known to quickly abandon slow pages.

We use industry-leading, reliable approaches from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our infrastructure, as well as advanced custom content delivery network (CDN) configurations designed to provide maximum stability, scalability, speed, and security for our clients across the globe.

These kinds of processes require massive time and monetary investments on a WordPress or Drupal setup. But with RebelMouse, every feature update, infrastructure improvement, and security patch is pushed live to all of our clients at once without interruption. Our tech is lean and always iterating, which means investing less money in an all-encompassing solution that fuels more growth.

The Right Product for All Teams

We've proudly built a product that actually achieves the goals that CMOs, CEOs, and CTOs need their digital product to fulfill. Our authoring tools make editorial, audience development, and social teams efficient and savvy, thanks to our proprietary technology that's been engineered to optimize content across platforms. Likewise, our analytics tools make your marketing and strategy teams feel happy and supported. We give them digestible data to understand and better optimize content for strategies that drive meaningful traffic. Our design tools appeal to product and revenue teams because of our next-level customization control and flexibility within site design and performance. And our platform is a developer-friendly solution for engineers to deliver far better results to their companies without straining tech resources.

When your site is your business and content is crucial to your bottom line, RebelMouse provides the right tools at your disposal so your teams always have an advantage when building site experiences and maximizing reach anywhere audiences may be discovering content.

Our Formula for Growth Works

The value of RebelMouse's modern approach is clear once you look at the data. Compare the following Google PageSpeed Insights scores among brand-owned media sites. Keep in mind, we've set 60 as a benchmark score given how Google's own sites and apps perform.

The WordPress and Drupal sites have difficulty reaching the benchmark These types of scores will hurt brands trying to maximize organic reach and engagement.

The Digitalist From SAP (on WordPress)

Johnson & Johnson News (on Drupal)

Meanwhile, RebelMouse clients see scores that match or exceed the benchmark.

Hub From United Airlines (on RebelMouse)

Brit + Co (on RebelMouse)

More importantly, our attention to factors like page speed help media companies and brands see growth across all key metrics once they make the move to RebelMouse.

For this client, the move from WordPress to RebelMouse has caused immediate growth in reach and loyalty.

This client moved from a "good enough" CMS over to RebelMouse. For more than a year they were stuck with either no growth or declining. Since moving to RebelMouse, the growth has been incredible.

Introduce the Solution That Makes You a Hero

We're excited that our product is tightly configured and delivers such an enormous advantage for teams. Switching to RebelMouse is a no-brainer compared to the lifetime cost of trying to maintain your WordPress or Drupal setup — and we can move you over quickly or enable you to move yourself over quickly.

If you currently use Drupal, you're likely aware of the mandate forcing clients to migrate onto Drupal 8 by 2021 and may be questioning whether it's worth it. Instead of being stressed, view this as the perfect opportunity to make the leap to RebelMouse.

We're also opening up RebelMouse to a larger ecosystem of developers so, if you're a developer, definitely get in touch with us. If you work with companies whose businesses and growth rely on their content, you can give more with RebelMouse. You can solve problems with us that would cost a tremendous amount of time and energy to attempt to solve with WordPress or Drupal. With RebelMouse, you'll be the hero as you introduce your teams to the modern solution that keeps everyone innovative, efficient, and happy. Contact us today to learn more.

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Websites Are Built

The Fastest Sites in the World Run on RebelMouse

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RebelMouse Performance Monitoring

Real-Time Core Web Vitals

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Our Core Features

Our platform is a complete digital publishing toolbox that's built for modern-day content creators, and includes game-changing features such as our:

Layout and Design toolLayout and Design tool on mobile

Why RebelMouse?

Unprecedented Scale

RebelMouse sites reach more than 120M people a month, with an always-modern solution that combines cutting-edge technology with decades of media savvy. And due to our massive scale, 1 in 3 Americans have visited a website powered by RebelMouse.

120M+ Users
550M+ Pageviews
17+ Avg. Minutes per User
6+ Avg. Pages per User

Today's Top Websites Use RebelMouse

Thanks to the tremendous scale of our network, we are able to analyze a wealth of traffic data that informs our strategies and allows us to be a true strategic partner instead of just a vendor.

upworthyindy100Vault12No Film SchoolRawStoryResponsible StatecraftPrideRolling Stone QuebecPremierGuitarPenskeINN Educate Brand ConnectThe FulcrumGZEROOkayafricaBrit+CoPaper MagazinePowerToFlyNarcityCommonDreamsAllBusiness

What Clients Say

We’re here to help you weigh and understand every tech and strategic decision that affects your digital presence. Spend less time managing everything yourself, and more time focused on creating the quality content your users deserve.

Case Studies

A Team Built Like No Other

RebelMouse employs a unique, diverse, and decentralized team that consists of 70+ digital traffic experts across more than 25 different countries. We have no central office, and we cover every time zone to ensure that we’re able to deliver amazing results and enterprise-grade support around the clock.

Our team is well-versed in all things product, content, traffic, and revenue, and we strategically deploy ourselves to help with each element across all of our clients. We thrive on solving the complex.

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