Case Studies for Media

Rebel Case Study: The Dodo

Picture of a labrador not looking at the camera over black background

For the love of animals, a story of success in distributed content.

In January 2014, Izzie Lerer wanted to transform her love of animals — and animal rights issues — into something positive, informative, and entertaining.

The world of content surrounding animals and pets was crowded to say the least, but Lerer wanted something that could be easily managed with contributions across editors, content partners, and community members.

RebelMouse's platform was the solution. Lerer launched The Dodo as a participatory community platform — not just for animal lovers, but for everyone with a soft spot for a good story.

What happened next was extraordinary.

The Dodo design

Easy-to-♥ Content + Distribution = The Dodo Receives an Average of Four Million Views Each Video!

Videos like " Orphaned Animals Get A Second Chance" and "Dog's Mind Blown By Magic Trick" go viral across platforms daily.

Surprised cat gif

(Here's more information on what it takes to win at distribution.)

Oh, and This Happened: "Granny Orca" Reaches Oceans of People

Every post on The Dodo reaches millions of people. Here's just one example: A story about a 103-year-old Orca whale spotted in the wild. Through the power of content distribution, the story pulled the issue of whales in captivity out of animal rights advocates' circles and into the every day feeds of the masses.

Thanks to the power of social sharing, " Recently Spotted 103-Year-Old Orca Is Bad News For SeaWorld" reached seven million people.

Read more about this in Business Insider's story, " How an animal lover turned her passion into The Dodo, a booming ~$40 million startup, in 2 years."

Screenshot of "Recently Spotted 103-Year-Old Orca Is Bad News For SeaWorld" article from The Dodo

Since Launch, The Dodo Has Seen ...

  1. High-paced, sustainable social growth: The Dodo now has 15M unique visitors on site and 100M monthly unique impressions across social platforms.
  2. Breakthrough engagement: The Dodo has a 64% higher Facebook engagement rate vs. BuzzFeed Animals.
  3. A growing number of uber fans and contributors: There have been 100K community signups since launch, and 5K average new signups monthly.
  4. Social activity growth: 419% increase in social shares from petition CTAs in the last three months.
  5. SEO growth: 35% increase in organic search traffic in the last three months; 100% increase since January.

"To power the sharing of stories, pictures, media, anything animal related and to create an unprecedented community we turned to RebelMouse — their publishing platform truly lifts the publishing experience and helps our community and their stories gain the amplification they need to make a difference."

— Izzie Lerer, Founder, The Dodo

Just like The Dodo, properties on our platform grow at mind-boggling rates, and are built in a way that allows companies to focus on producing great content — turning that into sustainable, high-growth social traffic, and loyal, lasting communities. Trust your brand to the experts in distributed content and be everywhere first.

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