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5 Strategies Brands Can Use to Increase Conversions on LinkedIn

5 Strategies Brands Can Use to Increase Conversions on LinkedIn

When most people think of LinkedIn, the first thought they have is that it’s the best place on the web to look for a job and market yourself to a network of potential employers. While that’s true, LinkedIn is now more than ever becoming one of the most powerful tools to drive conversions for brands. With traditional social media outlets like X (formerly Twitter) facing endless controversy, and other platforms dealing with lower user engagement rates, the natural professional environment of LinkedIn makes it a safe haven for brands.

In fact, data from Hootsuite found that 70% of marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most trustworthy platform for brands.


With LinkedIn being such a great base to reach professional, targeted audiences, it’s important to think carefully about your brand’s content strategy on the platform so that you can use it as a powerful tool to increase conversions.

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Here are five tips to help you increase conversions on LinkedIn:

1. Create Valuable Content

Yep, no surprise here. Content still remains the ultimate ticket to success if you are looking to catch the attention of new readers. But what makes for quality content on LinkedIn specifically?

Usually the quality content you create for your site should be just as useful on LinkedIn, but here are some tips on creating engaging content for the platform:

Educational Posts: These posts include how-to guides, industry news, or insights into issues and pain points that matter most to your audience.

Thought Leadership: Just like with organic search, it’s important to establish your brand as an industry expert. When possible, share any unique perspectives on trending topics that matter to your readers.

Multimedia Content: Images, videos, infographics, and even slide decks are a great way to capture your audience’s attention and stand out in the content feed.

Here’s an example of a multimedia post from digital content expert Neil Patel. The post provides plenty of detailed content on an industry pain point, and includes a video:

[Video] Neil Patel on LinkedIn: Google’s search results have drastically changed in the last 30 days, and…

2. Make the Most of LinkedIn Ads

Most marketers view LinkedIn as the platform with the highest return on investment. While paid advertising on LinkedIn is more expensive than other services, 78% of B2B content marketers use LinkedIn’s paid advertising.

There are multiple kinds of ads you can leverage on LinkedIn:

Sponsored Content: You can promote your best-performing content to reach a wider audience than you could organically. Be sure that the posts you choose to promote are highly relevant and include a call to action (CTA).

Text Ads: Traditional text ads are great for direct promotion, similar to display advertising.

Sponsored content and text ads on LinkedIn.

Sponsored InMail: To send a more private and individualized message, LinkedIn’s InMail product is a great way to nurture leads.

Sponsored InMail on LinkedIn.

Dynamic Ads: Dynamic ads create personalized content based on a single LinkedIn user. This level of individualization can help increase engagement.

Example of dynamic ads on LinkedIn.

3. Optimize Your Company Page

Think of your brand’s company page as any potential new customer's first point of contact. This page should be optimized to turn casual visitors into loyal users.

Here are a few ways to make that happen:

Completed Profile: Make sure your company profile page has every possible section filled out concisely. This includes the “About Me” section, lists of products and services, and an up-to-date company overview. Use high-quality images whenever possible.

Showcase Pages: Make use of LinkedIn’s Showcase Pages to promote products, services, or even target specific audience groups.

Regular Updates: Post regularly to engage your readers and entice new ones through LinkedIn’s algorithm. Company news, product updates, and frequent industry insights will help keep your readers informed.

Example of a LinkedIn Showcase Page. From Salesforce.

4. Use LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups provide the opportunity for like-minded users to connect and chat about industry-specific topics in a more casual setting. Participating in or even creating these groups can help boost your brand’s visibility and authority.

Here are some tips for getting started:

Join Relevant Groups: Find and join groups that make sense for your target audience, and make sure they’re active. Participate in discussions within those groups by providing valuable insights and answers to questions. Be sure not to come across as overly promotional, and instead focus on being completely informational.

Create Your Own Group: It’s also a good idea to create a LinkedIn Group around your own brand’s niche. This will not only establish you as a community leader, but it gives you direct access to new leads.

Engage Consistently: When you do join or create a group, stay active in the group by posting new content, starting discussions, and engaging with new members. This will help build relationships and trust with your readers.

Example of a LinkedIn Group. Sourced from Hootsuite.

5. Implement LinkedIn Analytics

Understanding what kinds of posts, content, and ads work best for your audience is crucial to achieving success on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn’s built-in analytics dashboard called Campaign Manager to learn more about your audience, study your page’s insights, and tweak your strategy as needed.

Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your page’s insights:

Track Engagement Metrics: A good indicator of how your content is performing is through engagement metrics, including likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. Use the data from these analytics to plan new content and optimize existing content.

Measure Conversion Rates: If you’re using LinkedIn ads and sponsored content, identify which units are driving the most conversions. The highest-performing ads should be what you focus your strategy on moving forward.

A/B Test: Always make sure there is an A/B test running on your ad creatives, headlines, and CTAs to make sure you’re using the most effective language and creative combinations. Continually testing and tweaking your strategies should improve your page’s performance.

Example of LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager. Sourced from Instapage.

Help Reach Your Brand’s KPIs on LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s unique features and professional atmosphere make it an effective place to help your business find new customers and reach its goals. Being successful on LinkedIn requires a mix of quality content, targeted advertising, and consistent engagement with your audience.

Maintaining a continual, successful presence on Linkedin is a lot of work for content creators who already have a lot on their plate. RebelMouse is an AI-enabled platform that helps users create and distribute content effectively. Our powerful CMS makes creating quality content easier than ever, and our agency of digital experts can help take your brand to the next level across every platform, from LinkedIn and beyond.

Looking to reach peak marketing success on LinkedIn and across the open web? Request a proposal today and let’s start working together.

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